======Formal Languages & Compilers====== __**[[news|News]]**__ === Lecturers === * [[..:..:people:brev|Luca Breveglieri]] * [[..:..:people:crespi|Stefano Crespi Reghizzi]] * [[http://home.dei.polimi.it/morzenti|Angelo Morzenti]] === Teaching Assistants === * [[..:..:people:dibiagio|Andrea di Biagio]] * [[http://home.dei.polimi.it/barenghi|Alessandro Barenghi]] * [[http://home.dei.polimi.it/dalseno|Bernardo Dal Seno]] * [[..:..:people:simone|Simone Campanoni]] * [[..:..:people:sykora|Martino Sykora]] This course, offered in the first year of //laurea specialistica// (2 years graduate studies), covers lexical and syntactic analysis, both from the theoretical and practical points of view. This course is offered both in Italian and English at Politecnico di Milano. === Course Material === * {{teaching:acse_v1.0.2l.tgz|ACSE}}, the educational compiler system used in the course. * You can find all the course materials on the [[http://corsi.metid.polimi.it/|Corsi Online]] website.